What's the goal of this website?

This project is an introductive tutorial to building real decentralized applications (DApps) on Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts, applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Why do I need to care about Ethereum, what does it offer?

With Smart contracts, Ethereum allow the management of value, possessions, and multiple other things. This project is powered by a Smart Contract that keeps track of parcels, and allow owners to exchange them, modify them, or sell them.

Is this website real or just a simulation?

The website is in every point real. The pixels parcels present on the home page belong to their owner or were not acquired yet. If you own a parcel, it's yours, and nobody can take it from you. If this website was ever taken down, your parcel will still be present on the main Ethereum blockchain, and you can access to it on etherscan for example, or you can clone the github repository of this website and set it up again on your own! You'll have access to same Smart Contract that keep track of your and the others parcels.

What do I need to acquire a parcel?

A computer running Chrome or Firefox, and have the MetaMask plugin installed on them. MetaMask is a digital wallet that allow the management of Ether, the crypto-currency of Ethereum. The Ether will allow you to acquire a parcel.

How do I install MetaMask?

In order to acquire, modify, or exchange parcels, you’ll need to install MetaMask on your Chrome or Firefox browser and load it up with ether.

How do I get Ether?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you can buy ether in MetaMask.

For everyone else, you will need to purchase ether from an exchange. The easiest way is using Coinbase and then transferring the ether from your Coinbase wallet to your MetaMask wallet.

What's a token?

A token is the representation of an asset in a Smart Contract. In the case of this project, it's a non-fungible token, which means that each token is different from another one, because each parcel is unique, and have unique characteristics.

Is this all?

This FAQ, like this whole website, are still under construction. Be sure to come back a bit later when more content is added!